2025 applications open:
23 September 2024

training for singers

We’ve been running training for singers for more than 30 years, and you don’t have to look far in the industry to find BYO alumni who point to their time with us as a turning point in their early careers.  

two programmes, one application

serena fenwick programme

The Serena Fenwick programme is part-time and bespoke, designed for people who need a boost to their career. Identify your priorities and then work on them over the next few months with a wide range of mentors, coaches and workshop leaders.

summer programme

The summer programme is a full-time, 6 week training course. Alongside parallel coaching, mentoring and networking opportunities, you'll create a professional-scale, site-specific opera production, which you'll perform to the public and invited industry guests across four nights in London.

serena fenwick programme

The Serena Fenwick programme is our intensive career booster – it gives very specific, targeted training to just a handful of participants.

Over the course of about 6 months you’ll identify the areas that you need to work on and then start to tackle them with our mentors and coaches, all experts in their field. On top of those personalised and bespoke opportunities, you'll also get:

  • 1:1 coaching to learn a core role in your repertoire

  • 1:1 performance psychology sessions
  • Personal mentorship from someone working in the industry
  • Group workshops in specialised areas (such as movement and commedia dell’arte from École Jacques Lecoq alumni and acting technique with Olivier Award winning directors)
  • Audition preparation classes with UK casting agents
  • A live showcase with an invited audience of agents and casting directors
  • Your own video showreel

The Serena Fenwick programme is open to anyone who feels they could benefit from it, but we’re particularly looking for applicants who can show they need a career boost. So that might be because they’re not in full-time education,  or because they’ve taken ‘breaks’ for personal or financial reasons, or maybe they’re transitioning voice types or fachs, or they’re a dramatic voice that needs a bit more nurturing (not an exhaustive list, just some examples).

summer programme

The summer programme is a full-time, six week training course. Aimed at performers who are going from education or training to a fully-fledged professional career, the summer programme has a timetable full of workshops, 1:1 coaching and career-focussed sessions built around the creation of a full-scale opera production.

2024's summer programme will tackle a site-specific production of The Rape of Lucretia with two casts. Working with participants on our new creative programmes, you'll stage a professional-standard show to be performed across four nights in London (so two performances per cast on alternating nights). In addition to hundreds of members of the public, these performances will be seen by an invited selection of industry insiders – the summer programme has led directly to previous participants securing agents and performing opportunities with companies like ENO and the Royal Opera.

The 2024 programme will take place between 1 July and 15 August in London, although a section may take place at a residential venue outside London (accommodation will be provided for this bit).

frequently asked questions


Who is eligible to apply?

There are loads of different routes into a professional singing career, so our minimum criteria are deliberately very low. But you must be over 18 and have a UK bank account in your name. Foreign applicants are welcome, but you must be able to satisfy those criteria. BYO isn't able to sponsor visas or offer advice.


How much does it cost?

Taking part in any BYO programme is free, and there is no application fee beyond your membership to BYO hub.


Are there bursaries or discounts on BYO hub membership?

We offer reduced or free BYO hub premium membership to care leavers, people granted asylum in the UK, people seeking asylum in the UK, full or part time carers, people with no immediate family or no connection to them, single parents, people with physical or mental disabilities and people with long term illnesses. Email hub@byo.org.uk to explain your circumstances. If your circumstances aren't listed but you feel like you need help, email us anyway.


Is there financial support for taking part in programmes?

If you get a place on our summer programme you'll be able to apply for a minimum grant of £500 to help support you while you're on the programme.


Where and when are auditions?

Our audition panels will be travelling around the UK to make sure there are audition dates and locations for the widest number of people.

London: 20, 21, 22, 27, 28 and 29 October
Manchester: 23 and 24 October
Cardiff: 23 October
Birmingham: 29 October
Glasgow: 2 November

Recall auditions will be held in London on 18, 19 and 20 November


What do I need to prepare for my audition?

You’ll need to prepare three contrasting opera arias for your first round audition, with at least one of those being in English. English translations are OK, as are arias from Handel dramatic oratorios.

how to apply and audition

To be able to apply and audition for our singing programmes you need to have a premium hub membership. It costs just £33 a year and unlocks access to all applications and live and online events that run throughout the year. If you're not already a premium member you'll be asked to become one before you can fill out the application form.

As soon as you've applied (and as long as you meet the application criteria) you'll be sent a link to book your audition. The sooner you submit your application, the more auditions slots will be available – leave it to the last minute and you might find your ideal time has already been taken.

There's only one form that covers both the summer and Serena Fenwick programmes, so when you're ready hit the apply now button.